Partners in Hope
eir neighborhoods can become all that God intends them to be!
Pete and Mike, St. John neighorhood leaders
Allen with Officer Lopez and E. M. Taylor
Kids made these great signs for National Night Out March
Local day laborers donate time at clean-ups
A block party at E. M. Taylor’s house last February
Stacey Tovar and E.M. Taylor make a difference!
Praying at a block party
At a party for new Katrina neighbors
One of the National Night Out parties
Pete and Joey in the April Unity March
Pastor Harold Hendricks at the Unity March
The Reagan High School Band in the Unity March
A young marcher!
What more do you say?
Local day laborers marched with neighbors
A local school principal speaks our for unity
500 strong!
Love cuts across races and languages
. . . and a child shall lead us.
Vincent Tovar is a local teacher and great with kids
Pete Solis helping UT students build school benches
Local kids are learning to clean-up St. John
Angelica and Jose Bribesca, hard-working neighbors
“Funny Clown” (Pastor David) is at lots of events
The Jigglebug Express at HopeFest
Tony Tamez leads our local Christmas Posada
Crafts for kids at HopeFest
Praying at HopeFest
A place to write our hopes for east Austin at HopeFest
The main stage at HopeFest
Giving away ten donated bikes at HopeFest
The future of our community
25 kids enjoyed a week of Backyard Bible Club
Jesus is my friend
Hope Chapel Backyard Bible Club ‘06
Our neighbor kids
A volunteer nurse helps with screenings
Volunteers help with vision screenings in St. John
The 52*23 Health Network helps with the St. John clinic
Face painting at Praise in the Park
Reaching out with rap at Praise in the Park
Every event focuses on kids
                           Envisioning Change                       Empowering People                      Encouraging Cooperation
Here are some photos of our work in east Austin. Many of them show the partners we work with every day . . . neighborhood leaders, long-time residents, new immigrants, school and church leaders, health workers and so many others.
We truly believe that most of what is needed to build thriving communities is already present in east Austin, if those things can be nurtured, connected and encouraged. These photos show people with vision, people who are praying that their neighborhoods can become all that God intends them to be!
Photo Albums
October 2006
Unity Walks
August, 2005
April 2006
Bible Club
June 2006